Recently I’ve discovered the joys of working with less.css (not to be confused with the less framework, which is also related to CSS). I think the one thing that turned me on to the idea was the GUI application for Mac OS X. monitors a directory and when there are any file changes to any
files, it compiles a .css
, minifies it, and places it in a /css
directory, preserving a directory structure like the following:
├── css
│ └── main.css
└── less
└── main.less
I kind of liked this idea because I thought it kept everything neat. The only problem I had with is that it didn’t seem to work very often. I had a lot of issues where I would save a file and it would not pick the changes up. I had to hit save twice for it to pick up the changes, and even then sometimes it would crash completely and have to be restarted. It got to the point where I would have to restart 2–5 times in a one hour session. I am assuming that it was related to the way vim saves files, otherwise nobody else would be using this app. After 3 or 4 program updates I noticed the problem was still there and something had to be done.
I found out from a buddy that another tool called lessc
was available
from the creators of less. I had seen it mentioned in blog posts but I was never
able to find it until one day I realized it was on their github page in
the bin directory.
Grab lessc
and make sure it’s in your $PATH
In order to use lessc
, you need to install node.js. On OS X, this can
be done via homebrew:
brew install node
or macports:
port install node
Or on Ubuntu using the following:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs
I created this bash script which wraps lessc
to add some functionality:
#compile less.css files, and compress them hardcore.
if [[ $# == 1 ]]; then
outfile=$(basename ${infile%.*})
outpath="$(dirname $infile)/../css"
if [[ -d $outpath ]]; then
outfile="$(dirname $infile)/$outfile.css"
lessc -x $infile |perl -ne 'chomp; print "$_";' > $outfile
The script attempts to save the output file to a css/
directory one level up
from the .less file, assuming that directory exists. If it cannot find a
then it will output to the same directory as the input file. Place it
somewhere in your path, I usually throw all of my scripts into $HOME/bin
add that to $PATH
Then, add the following to your ~/.vimrc
au BufWritePost *.less silent !lesscomp %