Terminal.app: Highlight Full File Path on Double Click (OS X)

One of my biggest complaints about the terminal in OS X—vs. gnome-terminal in the linux world, and possibly a few other terms—is that when I am using git or svn and I want to add or commit only one file I can’t just double click the full path to select it.


# Untracked files:
#   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
#   assets/themes/twitter/css/hi3.css

the default action when you double click on the word twitter is that Terminal.app will highlight only the word twitter. I wanted a way to make it highlight the entire file path without grabbing the hash mark at the beginning of the line. While it’s not my favorite solution, I did come across a forum post today that explained holding the cmd and shift keys when you double click will cause Terminal.app to select the whole file path. Someone else added on later that cmd + shift + double clicking a URL will open it.

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