Help! My iPhone Contacts Won't Sync!

Today I installed iOS 8 beta 2. After installing, my contacts were gone and absolutely refused to sync from the Exchange account I had set up for my gmail.

I’m going to teach you how to fix the sync issue and a bunch of other tricks I picked up along the way.

#The Fix

  1. In Settings > General > Mail, Contacts, Calendar select Add an Account…
  2. Select other

    3 Select Add CardDAV Account.
    Enter for the server.
    and your full gmail email address as the User Name
  3. Follow the remaining steps (if any, I don’t remember exactly) and your contacts should start to sync immediately.

Doing this also unlocks a new Default Account option in the Contacts section of the Mail, Contacts, Calendars screen for the account that you just created.

I’m still trying to figure out if it’s possiblet to sync to both Gmail and iCloud at the same time, but right now I’m unsure.

#Neat tricks What I did find out though, is that if you log into your gmail at

  1. Select Contacts from the Gmail menu.

  2. You will be able to select More > Export …

  3. and export to a format that iContact will understand and import that using your Mac’s Contacts app!

いいね?! Pretty sweet, huh?

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